My Time of Agony
It has been 11 months since I experienced my loss. At the time I was a full-time college student, and engaged to marry the man of my dreams. Although school was a priority, finding out that I was pregnant was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I knew between my third and fourth week of pregnancy, and it was verified by three home pregnancy tests.
Within the next few weeks, I found out that this man that I loved was not who I thought he was. At five weeks, he decided to tell me about a sexual relationship he had conceiled from me. This broke my heart, what would I do, I was going to have a baby with him. I decided to try and work the situation out with him, after all, I loved him.
I was between insurances, so I had not had my 12 week check up, I had however gone to the doctors to pick up the test results from my eight week check up. The same day, I was experiencing some pain in my abdomen. Later that day I noticed blood when I went to the resroom. Oh my God, I was loosing my baby. I was so scared, do I go to the hospital, am I just spoting, or is this really happening? I rushed to my mothers house, tears pouring down my face. I had pictures in my mind of my poor baby slowly loosing it's life. I went to the emergency room, feeling certain that I was loosing my baby, but at the same time hoping that maybe I was just spotting. I waited for five hours in that waiting room, mind you at a respected hospital. I couldn't stop crying. I wanted my baby to be okay. I had read a couple of books about pregnancy already, so I knew that my chances were not great.
Once I finally was taken into the examination room, I waited another hour. They needed a urine specimine, and since I was bleeding, they had to remove the urine from me. I wanted to die, and they were treating me like just another person who is loosing her baby. The ultrasound varified that my baby was dead. Not only was my baby dead, but it had dies a few weeks before. It really isn't uncommon, so I am told. Some times the baby dies, but the placenta is strong and keeps producing oregnancy hormones. This killed me. I endured a relationship, from a lying untrustworthy man, I had been extremely sick, vomiting a couple times a day, and all the while my precious child was dead.
I had to have a D&C. I felt so guilty and dirty. I heard someone ask if it was a miscarriage or "what exactly". I wanted to hurt anyone that even said the word abortion. My baby was dead and it made me feel terrible going through the surgery, I would never have even considered ending my pregnancy. For a month or so after my surgery, I still experienced morning sickness. The doctor said that that was normal, until I had my period again. Normal? It was terrible.
I left my fiance a month or so later. Due to my strong faith in God, I know that my baby is in a better place. Two months after I left him, he moved in with the woman he had lied about having a relationship with. They are now married. Due to my faith in God, I know that I am much better off without that man.
For anyone else going through this alone, grief counceling does help. With time, things do get easier. I can see a baby and not feel sick or break down crying. There is light at the end of the tunnel. The best advice I have is to rely on those who truly do love you and will simply listen.
Orlando, FL
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Forever in Our Hearts~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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I lost Ryan very early on in the pregnancy and I grieved long and hard, he was my second loss in one year (6 months) I am 16 years old and was 14 when it happened. This site has a lot of wonderful people on it, and I felt really alone until I found others to talk to. I am currently planning on having a baby in the near future. I welcome all people to send me an e-mail, and I will get back.
Brittany and Ryan
Second trimester loss
Burnaby, BC Canada
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"Joseph, the Angel I never got to hold"
I lost my son due to a miscarriage after three months. It was heartbreaking for me because I wanted to hold this little bundle in my arms and know that he was a part of me.
I guess its silly looking back on it.....but it hurt so much. Everyone said "Its for the best' blah blah blah, but for me it wasn't.
Joseph was my second loss....and neither was easy. I lost Sarah May as her father beat me repeatedly until I began to lose her. I hate him for what he did to my/our child....but I dont know how to grieve & let go of them both.
I don't know what to do. There are times when I have to cry myself to sleep at night - and I can't make love because I have this huge fear the same thing will happen again.
I have a new partner now who knows of my lost babies......but not to any of the same extent. Does anyone have any advice for me to help with this? I feel like im going crazy - I can't cope with my grief..........Can you help me?
Joseph Timothy Mountford
Auckland, New Zealand
Marcia's thoughts: You have had much trauma, pain and loss. It would seem that it will take time and work to understand and cope with all that has happened to you. You may need to look for a supportive group or counselor, in your town, that will support you around relationships as well as grief. Please, if you haven't, read about grief in my Workshops on the site... Know that others have been where you are and have survived. Perhaps your new friend can help you seek support.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Forever in Our Hearts~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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My Angel
Before my son was ever born I never imagined of naming him Angel, but now after everything that has passed, that name is perfect for him.
I became pregnant in May of last year. Since I had very regular cycles I found out that I was expecting the day I was expecting my period. Something told me to get a pregnancy test. Everything was fine at least that is what I thought.
When I was 15 weeks I got very bad pains on my side so I went to my doctor, and they did an ultrasound to see if it was my appendix. My appendix was fine, they told me that it was my ligaments stretching. When I was 19 weeks I went for one of my routine visits, and the doctor mentioned that his heartbeat was low. We became scared, but she told us that everything was fine, that it was all perfectly normal. Since I was 17 years old and he was my first child I believed her. She scheduled a mid-pregnancy ultrasound for two weeks later.
The day of my ultrasound which was September 28. I was very excited. I went with my fiance and my mother to the doctor. We were very eager to learn the sex of our child. The technician started - when she suddenly said your baby has problems I'll be right back. I started to cry and since my mom and my fiance had not heard her I told them what she had said, and they told me not to worry.
That is when the doctor came in. She looked at me and said, "I'm so sorry, there is not a heartbeat" I immediately started to cry, and I hugged my fiance. I felt like I ws going to die! That night they induced labor at the hospital. I was 21 1-2 weeks along.
My son was born at 4:43 a.m. on September 29. He was 8 inches long and weighed 12 ounces. I saw my son and he looked just like his daddy. That broke my heart even more. They asked me if I wanted a picture. I said no. I really regret that now.
My son mean the world to me. Even though its really hard all the time I understand that if he went back to heaven its because his mission here was accomplished. He accomplished so much here. He made me realize what the important things in life really are, and he filled my heart with the kind of mother love that you can only imagine. I feel lucky to have met my guardian angel.
Angel: My love we miss you! Me and your daddy want you to know that you mean the world to us. You have put so much happiness in our life and every single day we love you more and more. Until I see you again, Love mommy.
"All My Love" by Monica (6/12/99) and
"Holidays" by Monica (4/7/99)
Angel Mendoza
Los Angeles, CA
Marcia's thoughts: I want to share with you that the hospital might have taken a picture of Angel and put it in your folder. Some of the hospitals are doing that for the very reason that you shared. Moms don't always realize how important a picture could be later. Your reaction to having a picture is very normal. Most of us can't imagine taking a picture of a little person who has died...but it is okay and we need to help folks understand this. Maybe, someday, you could write a short letter letting the hospital know how you feel might help someone else one day. Anyways, you might call and ask about a picture in your folder..I have had folks find that the hospital did indeed do this. Others have not had that fortune. Know that you did what seemed right at the time. You can do other things in memory of Angel that will give you something to hold and love.
~~~~~~~~~~~Forever in Our Hearts~~~~~~~~~~~~
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My sweet baby John Matthew
I was 24 weeks and 5 days pregnant with a healthy baby boy. I had a perfect pregnancy no problems. On April 5, 1999 I noticed a clear discharge and called my doctor thinking I had a yeast infection or something. The girl that answered the phone told me discharge is normal and drink alott for fluids and stay off my feet.
The next morning I woke up to find even more discharge with a slight hint of pink blood. I went directly to the doctors office. Sitting there I felt crampy possible contractions. The doctor did an exam and said I had an incompetant cervix, and he could see the baby for his exam. I had lost my mucos plug. He put me in the hospital and I sat there inverted the rest of the day. But he did not give me medication to stop my contractions. The evening came and I started bleeding and getting very crampy.
The Doctor finally came to see me after seeing all his patients at 6:00PM. After an exam he said the baby was in my vagina and we had to break my water and deliver the baby. I wanted the baby to be ok so I did every thing he said. He broke my water and I began to push. The baby was not in my vagina like the Doctor said and the baby was transverse. The Doctor said "In order to save the Baby we had to do a C-section".
At 6:15PM I had a 1lb 4oz 14in long baby boy by C-section. I was not consious untill late night but my boyfriend got to come in just seconds after delivery. They told him sorry and your baby was dying. They showed him the baby sitting all alone no moniters or tubes just in a receiving table with my little baby bundled tightly in a blanket. The Doctor decided the baby was not "feasible and could be retarded or major problems" so they did not help my baby. He lived unassisted for 2 hours.
We buried my baby a few days later. I never felt so alone or sad in my entire life.
I was to be married on April 25, 1999. I had a big wedding planned and lots of out of town guest. We cancaled the wedding due to our loss. My boyfriend does not come home till very later every night trying to excape his pain and turned into a workaholic. I feel I lost my life and my future. I feel the Doctors could have done more and did not. I don't know where to turn if anyone can help me please e-mail me.
John Matthew
Died soon after birth/incompetent cervix
Hollywood, FL
Marcia's thoughts: You have been through much loss over the last month...your dreams and future(secondary losses) have been loss as well as your child. Your boyfriend's reactions are very are yours. I hope you will take time to read our "Workshops" about Grief and Healing as well as some of the ones about "Self-Help Ideas". They will help you to know that you are feeling normal feelings and that there might be some things you can do to feel a little stronger. Please email some of the other moms on this page...
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Entry #1Gage Alexander
Hi my name is Heather and I lost my baby boy through a miscarriage when I was barely 4 months pregnant with him. I have been looking for a support group to go to in my area and I am having trouble finding any. I used to go to one (HOPE--HELPING OTHER PARENTS ENDURE) but I am looking for a change. (I hope nobody from the group reads this) I really didn't feel comfortable at this group when I would share my feelings and NEED to find another one.
I am still having a hard time dealing with my son's death even after almost 2 years. (it will be 2 years on July 13, 1999) If anyone knows where I can find out about support groups in Omaha, Nebraska, or if anyone knows OF a support group I would really really really apprieciate the info!! Or if anyone just wants to talk I'm hear and I'm a great listener!
Entry #2: Saying Goodbye...Before Hello
I lost my baby when very early in my 4th month of pregnancy. This was to be my first child, and although he wasn't planned I wanted him very much. My pregnancy went well for the first 6 weeks or so...then the spotting started...then it got worse. The Dr. said as long as no cramping was involved everything should be okay. When I went in to listen to the heartbeat they couldn't find one. I had an internal ultrasound and the Dr. told me that my precious child had stopped growing at around 8-10 weeks. I thought I was lucky that I had no breast tenderness, or morning sickness. I wasn't tired at all. I basicaly didn't have any signs that I was pregnant. I come to find out later that it was a sign that something was wrong. (I had some original breast tenderness very early even before I knew I was pregnant. But it went away.) I had no idea I was supposed to watch out for losing the signs of pregnancy. I was only 18, and had no idea what to look for, except morning sickness.!
Even then the Dr. told me that not everyone had morning sickness.I felt so guilty! For a long time I thought if I had known all of this I could have prevented losing my child.
The Dr. told me to come back for another ultrasound a week later just to make sure she hadn't messed up on my due date. But I knew my baby was dead. Before I made it to my next ultrasound I woke up with cramps and more bleeding. I was still hoping maybe everything would be okay...deep down I knew it wasn't. I miscarried my baby on July 13, 1997.
I never knew if I was having a boy or a girl, but I "felt" I was having a boy since I got the positive pregnancy test. I named my son Gage Alexander. The nurses at the hospital wouldn't let me see or hold my baby. They told me it would be best if I didn't. I asked them why as best I could (they had given me morphine for the pain so I was a bit groggy) they said that he was malformed and it wasn't a pretty sight. I was too tired and in too much pain to argue. I wish to this day I would have!!! I don't have any pictures of him. I never even got to bury him! My family and friends thought a funeral was pointless when I couldn't bury anything!
I had to have a D&C and I think that was the worst experience of my life. I am so glad I was asleep for the whole thing, but when I woke up I felt so "empty." For Four months I knew I had a baby growing inside me...and to wake up and know he's not there anymore almost killed me!
Only 5 hrs after I arrived to the hospital they sent me home. Five hours!! The nurses were all pretty cold to me about the whole thing. Only 1 seemed to care and sympathize. She asked me if I wanted to talk...which I didn't. She gave me some info. about miscarriage's and a support group I could go to. I was pretty rude to her. I later wrote her an apology letter, seeing that she was the only nice one there. My roomate and I finally go home and my mom called. Only 6 hrs earlier I had lost my child and here she was telling me that it was for the best. I was too young. The baby wouldn't have a father (he left as soon as I told him I was pregnant) anyway. She then told me that I could move back home. The day before I had just moved into my new apartment. My mother told me I had 1 month to move out of "her" house when I told her I was pregnant. Now here she was telling me I could move back home. I couldn't believe it!
At the time I was working at a Day care and I couldn't imagine going back to work. I worked with infants. So my friend called and told my boss about what happened and asked if I could have a couple of weeks off. My boss told my friend if I didn't come in the next day I was fired. I couldn't afford to lose my job. So I went in the next day. I stayed for 2 hrs and walked out bawling. I couldn't work around all of those babies.
So here I am today almost 2 years later and I still cry everyday. I want to have a memorial service for him, but my friends all think it's a bad idea. I want to at least get a headstone for him. I am saving my money for both. One day I will do these things and then maybe I will be okay.
I am looking for a support group to go to in my area(Omaha, Ne) but haven't had much luck. I went to the one the nurse suggested but it didn't work out too well. I didn't feel comfortable there. I am also looking for people to talk to. I need to get my feelings out in the open...since none of my friends will talk to me. And my mother pretends like it never happened. Help!
Gage Alexander's Mom
July 13, 1997-July 13, 1997
Omaha, Ne
Marcia's thoughts: I am touched by your story. I now better understand your thoughts around your grief. You have been through much loss and confusion during the last two years. I included this story with your other thoughts and then I also included both under Sharing Stories, Single Moms. I thought maybe you might find some comfort and support from some of these moms. I think many of them are so very nice...I have emailed many of them several times. Being single can cause people to say and do some unkind reactions. I wish folks would understand that when you lose a baby, it hurts. Your grief is very real and often moms lose their baby's father(he often leaves) and other folks dismiss everything. There are many losses and much confusion.
Please consider doing some things in memory of your baby. Noone has to approve or even know what you decide to do. My Self-Help Workshops offer many ideas for keepsakes and other plans. You might do a simple service(plant a tree or a plant in a planter, say a prayer, take a walk in the woods and bury a slip of paper with Gage's name under a beautiful tree, etc.) in your child's memory...with a friend who might be supportive or by yourself. Our local group has bricks, for $20. that you can buy and engrave with your baby's name(see brick pathway). Buying a doll or some special memento in memory of your baby is very appropriate.
I am sorry the hospital would not let you see your child. Sometimes there is no option...I couldn't see the first two babies I lost. It may have been the D&C and not the baby that caused them to not give you this option(which is not uncommon). I envision my two in heaven looking just like beautiful babies...because I believe they are. What you hold in your heart is what is important at this point.
As to knowing that something was wrong..this is very hard. Especially in an early loss. We have moms who have lost babies after they have had living babies and they did not know there was a problem. So, try to forgive yourself for any preceived error...we all do the best we can. Forgiving ourselves is a major step toward healing.
Know you can have learned much and maybe someday you can help someone else in a similar place (or even someone from the site!). I am sure Gage knows your love for him and appreciates your concern for him.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Forever in Our Hearts~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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My thoughts...
Two weeks ago I had a D&C because my babies heart stopped after 8 weeks. I'v been blessed to have some extremely supportive friends who have and are giving me time to heal and grieve. I was reading an article in the May,98 Essence (I've kept this issue for another article I was interested in). Your website was sited. So I'm writing because I thought that because my pregnancy was only 8 wks I didn't think that I was supposed to grieve, but the mid-wife at my doctors office, my good friends all remind me to give myself time to greive. I thought that I was so strong that I was going to be alright sooner than now. But, I still cry sometimes for apparently no reason.
Also I am 42, not married but was ready for a child. Well the father and I are no longer together (he is 10yrs older and decided he did not want any more children). I will get over us no longer being in a relationship, but I do miss not having a baby at this time.
I am so happy to see this site. It has helped me. To understand that it's ok for me to grieve also. I thank you for this site.
Also I would like to know if there are any support groups that I can attend in Atlanta. I feel that I babbled through this, so please forgive me. I'm continuing to heal. I am going to see my mother this weekend at a family reunion for this first time through all of this. And I will probably cry when I first see her. Which will be therapeutic for me. She is a nurse and understands totally and has been supportive. Well I don't have any real words of wisdom for anyone at this time but I will visit your site again. I'm still making entries in my journal. I will have more to share that makes sense then. Once again thank you for this opportunity.
Atlanta, ga
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My Loss
I was 16 years old in high school and found out I was pregnant. On Thanksgivng I broke the news to my mother, she was angry but supportive.
I made a dr. appt. everything was fine I was 2 months. I told my family and my dad who pushed for me to have an abortion but this thing in my belly was more than just a thing I loved this baby.
I went for my 3 month appt the doctor gave me an ultra sound he told me the baby had no heart beat, no movement. I was crushed my eyes swelled up w/ tears he gave me options a d&c to go for an other opinon or to wait and miscarry. I went for another opinon and the same was told to me on January 25.
I miscarried it was the worst feeling I have ever had. After the hospital even and now no one talks about it. They all say it was for the best since I was too young.
I still hurt like every one else. Just because I was only 16 doesn't mean I don't feel the same pain as a 34 year old. I loved that baby just as any mother loves there child.
Baby Morin
New Bedford, MA
Marcia's thoughts: No matter how old we are or under what circumstances you lost your baby, most moms grieve the loss of their baby. Your feelings are very normal. I have had several teens in my group as well as on the site and they share similar thoughts and stories.
Please consider lighting a candle for your baby and perhaps include an entry for Baby Morin in our Memorial Garden.
Please be gentle with yourself as you continue to heal. Your baby would want you to heal and to take something precious from his/her presence in your life. Finding peace around all that has happened to you is important. For me, it meant reaching down deep inside me and doing something that was important to me and others. I have gone on and tried to do what I could do my best in - in memory of my babies. You sound like a very special young lady who has much to offer in this world.
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