Yesterday was Easter, and it has been six months since my son Angel was stillborn. The hoildays are always really painful for me because I think about all of the things that I wanted to do for him. People might not believe this but every single day that goes by I love my son more and more. He means the world to me and the bond I feel with him is unlike any other.
Since he was cremated and put in the mausoleum at the cemetary we can't really leave him things. So every time that we go and visit him we take a balloon and write a message for him on it. For Christmas, I bought him a little tree and decorated it for him. We took it to the cemetary to showed it to him.
Yesterday it was really hard becuase if he was here with me physically I would do so many things for him. My fiance and I took him a miniature Easter basket filled with plastic eggs with candy in them and we buried the eggs for him by the place that he is at.
It hurts me so much that he's not there with us, but I know that he has to know how much his mommy and daddy love him.
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