Thinking of You..
especially on Mother's Day..
"Thoughts on Mothers' Day" by Marcia and Internet Friends
SA's 5Bs: Blankets, Buntings, Bonnets, Bracelets and Booties 11.08 Mini-Newsletter Outreach that our Mothers and their Family and Friends participate in.
SA's 5Bs and Memory Making Gathering 8.08 Let's plan another 4Bs' Gathering!!!
SA's Mother's Day Celebration 2008 Mini-Newsletter
I am so sad these last few days. It might have something to do with Mother's Day or it could just be because I miss my son so very much.
I know that time will heal but that doesn't mean a thing to me right now. I guess I want to be sad, I deserve to be sad. I lost a very precious gift and that just isn't fair,huh?
But I know I will move on and I will strive to make his life and death worth something............Love, Kim Respess
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