The quotes in this web site have been taken from several books and SHARE Atlanta members. Their inclusion highlights some of the thoughts and wisdom that seem to come from our struggles with grief and the subsequent healing. The books have also provided me and others at SHARE Atlanta with much support and information. Marcia
You Are Not Your Illness by Linda Noble Topf, M.A with
Hal Zina Bennett, Ph.D., published by FIRESIDE, Rockerfeller Center, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10020. Copyright 1995.
"Quotes by Gurudev used by permission of Krupalu Yoga Fellowship."
Anne Morrow Lindberg, Frederick W. Robertson, William Hazlett, Sufi Expression, Galileo, Aldous Huxley
MEN ARE FROM MARS, Women Are from Venus by John Gray, Ph.D., published by HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., 10 East 53rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10022. Copyright 1992.
Praying Our Goodbyes by Joyce Rupp, published by Notre Dame, IN. Copyright 1988.
Windows/Healing and Helping Through Loss by Mary Joe Hannaford and Michael Popkin, published by Active Parenting, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia. Copyright 1992. Marcia M. took and has taught the Windows workshop. She knew Mary Joe and has appreciated all the "gifts" that Mary Joe shared.
SHARE Atlanta thanks Lynne A., our co-president and a group leader, for creating our logo design. Lynne, and her husband John, became active members several years after the losses of their two sons in 1984 and 1985.
All the poems included in the web site that are labeled "SHARE Atlanta" were taken from SHARE Atlanta Newsletters from 1984 to 1997. For more information about them please contact SHARE Atlanta.
SHARE Atlanta thanks our members who were "quoted": Jenny R.(for Hannah), Neil J.(for Mary Catherine), Jennifer G.(for Jesse and Jamie), Julie B.(for Justin), Elaine Y.(for Justin), Kelly C.(for Tanner) - some of these quotes came from longer poems or writings. Perhaps, more will be included at a later time. If you wish all of a piece, let us know, and we will try to get it to you.
SHARE Atlanta thanks Roger D. for "getting us started" down the path toward our Web Site, and for his advice and guidance as we actually "got on" the Internet. He also has promised his support as we go along. We also thank Taylor D., our Subsequent Pregnancy group leader, for doing the initial proof reading. Both of these special parents have been active members in SHARE Atlanta for five years. Their son, Russell Joseph, was stillborn on April 7, 1992.
SHARE Atlanta thanks Jeremy S., our fifteen year old friend, for drawing our path, tree with hearts, and walking parent - found on our front page.
SHARE Atlanta appreciates the many parents who have contributed their poems and writings about their loss, children and walk towards healing. By opening their hearts and sharing, they have given strength and understanding to others who have come to our doors. We thank all of our parents for sending us their writings. With this Web Site, their words and support will reach even more bereaved parents. We are glad for this opportunity to share. :-) Marcia
Now, you know a little about me...just from "my" links...I love to garden!
One of the first gifts my husband gave me was Raggedy Andy - I collect dolls from all over and...
the most favored member of our house is Callie...our scotty! (-:
I thank my family ~
Leon, Joel, and Aaron for their love and support which they have given me, for the last thirteen years, as I help start and wore "many hats" to support the SHARE Atlanta effort. Even when things got crazy or difficult in this effort, they would encourage me on. The three members of my family, Catherine, Elizabeth and Seth, whose loss caused me great pain, much grief and gradually, helped me understand how everything in your life can be a positive stepping stone to a deeper understanding of who you are and what you can do, are the cornerstones of this site.
This web site is a result of years of learning about grief(in life, in workshops & classes, and in leading grief groups...) and the ultimate healing that comes if you let grief "have its way." I have been blessed in sharing the lives of countless SHARE friends as they worked through their loss, and we all learned more about healing. The excitement of new babies or new choices in life have been many - always worth sharing and shouting about.
I thank Leon, Joel, and Aaron for teaching me how to code (and for buying me a coding book)
I thank all my friends at SHARE - each of them, their babies, and their families for all they have shared through the years. They have meant a lot to me - and always will. Once again:
Graphics and "Jukebox by Eclipse" on SHARE Atlanta's Page are copyright!!
Please Do Not Copy - go to site or book
June '98: Starting in April of '98, I started to add color and more personal touches to the site through the use of icons from the three online graphics sites. Then, because the site had grown so very much, I started to "regroup." Throw a blessed three week vacation in there, and it has taken three months to "finish" this stage of the site! I hope to start the photo album and add pictures to the Bench page - I now have a scanner!! Thanks to those folks who have offered to let me use their scanner! Leon needed one for his at-home office! Marcia
December '98...Thanks to several folks, I have added "wallpaper" (Helena at Graphic Garden), a Chat Line (Harold McClure, a SHARE Atlanta parent), and "Gentle Listening", Music (my son Aaron and "Eclipse" at - http// "Eclipse" had a great drop-down juke box frame for music and I emailed him and asked his permission to use the box, and he sent me the information! I thank all these folks for helping SHARE Atlanta (and me!!!) further our efforts in our outreach!
copyright(c)SHARE Atlanta '97-'01
Graphics on this Site are Copyright