Links to Sites and Onsite Pages for Support after diagnosis of fatal or short-life expectancy...Please scroll down the listing to find those that meet your needs most closely...
Includes these 7 books on - Termination - Or Continuing Questions / Issues - you can order online
Includes these books on - Termination - Or Continuing Questions / Issues - you can order online
For parents who decide to turn away from aggressive medical intervention for their critically ill newborns. Covers: Triumphs and Traps of Modern Medicine, The final chapter is, Letting Go With Love. '
These decisions take great strength. With gentle support we deal with loss, hopelessness, relating to others and community resources. If you decide to continue your pregnancy, if you decide to terminate–this book offers support.
For everyone who has ended a pregnancy and not achieved inner peace about the decision. Non-judgmental and tremendously affirming.
Three sites by Dr. Beth Pector of Naperville, IL
I've developed a web site full of supportive resources for parents facing complications or loss in a multiple pregnancy. Information at the articles site is available for both parents & professionals who want guidance on delivery & memorial options.
For Parents Who Choose to Continue a Pregnancy Knowing Their Unborn Baby Will Die Before or Shortly After Birth and for Families Who Learn Their Newborn Will Die ... suggestions of what to do during the rest of pregnancy, letters from parents
"Welcome to the home page of the Anencephaly Support Foundation (ASF). We are a non-profit foundation dedicated to serving parents, families and the educational and medical communities." This group supports carrying the baby to term.
...when a serious fetal abnormality is detected prior to the birth of a child... We are not looking for compassion or acceptance but rather an acknowledgment of our losses without judgment.
Congenital heart problems, Turners, Downs, CDH,
The Center for Study of Multiple for when one of a multiple dies... new 6/97
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