Focus on High Risk and Stillbirth - Placental, antibody,progesterone, cord issues, Dr.'s Beer, Korotkin, Collins, etc.
Sites with "message board" format
Placental Prob.-abruption & previa; preterm labor; Chorioamnionitis;
Unborn Baby Conditions - anencephaly, fragile X syndrome, B strep, Trisomy 18,
Several Sites for Congenital Heart Disease- HLHS, TGV, ect.
3 Sites - Meconium Aspiration Syndrome
Female Genital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications
High risks... -incompetent cervix, CHD, etc.
Atlanta Maternal-Fetal Medicine, P.C.
3 sites for Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
The Alliance of Genetic Support Groups - Long list of groups!
Dr. Korotkin and his consultants have been responsible for many of SHARE Atlanta's healthy babies. We appreciate all they have accomplished for our community of parents. Consultants: Lawrence B. Stone, MD, Jeffrey H. Korotkin, MD, MBA, Raymond J. Allen, MD, Lawrence Nathan, MD, Marcy M. Mann, MD..
Look to them for issues such as: Incompetent Cervix, Antibody Issues, High Blood pressure, any time you have already suffered a loss and wish a second opinion or a new doctor. (Marcia McGinnis)
Noah...Covers MANY Pregnancy Disorders and Issues March of Dimes: PregnancyBegins with Family Planning - Pre-Natal Care - Post-Natal Care -
WISSP - Wisconsin Stillbirth Service Program Website
"Stillbirth is a common occurrence - far more common than many realize. Yet there exists a general lack of knowledge about this tragic event. Learning some basic facts can be the first step toward understanding how stillbirth affects the lives of those who experience it. These pages provide basic information about stillbirth, its frequency, its causes, and other relevant information."
National Sidelines-Toll Free Phone Number: (888)447-4754
"Sidelines is a network of support groups across the country for women with complicated pregnancies and their families. A pregnancy is termed "high-risk" or "complicated" when the life or health of the mother or baby may be at risk." This site(in conjunction with other Sideline sites has- be sure to visit listed sites):
Childbirth Organization - "Complication of Pregnancy" ~~ by Robin Elise Weiss
Includes information on just about all commonly known complications:
"This Book is Dedicated to the parents who have experienced the loss of a newborn secondary to an umbilical cord accident."
SHARE Atlanta's "Our Experience" page has several personal cord related experiences that have been shared with us:Hi Marcia:
Thanks so much for getting back to me. I have been in contact with Dr. Jasin Collins at The Pregnancy Institute. I talked to him on the phone for over an hour, he was great. I just received from him yesterday, a folder full of information, by the looks of things everything ever printed on the subject of cord accidents. He is an amazing man, doing amazing research. If you know anyone else who needs info, he is the man to contact.
Visit SHARE Atlanta's "Thoughts and Information from Groups and Professionals " page" for direct information from Drs. Collins...
Anti-body Factors,etc and methods to prevent them by Dr. Alan Beer (We first posted this in 1997. Dr. Beer passed away in 2006, but his wonderful work continues with his institue.
"Our Reproductive Medicine Program is committed to helping those couples who have experienced recurrent miscarriages or repeated IVF-ET failures, achieve a successful pregnancy." Also includes...immunotherapy, antibody therapy, progesterone therapy, etc. Excellent site for "unanswered losses".
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This site is intended to support women who are struggling with Incompetent Cervix (IC), a cerclage, or a difficult pregnancy. It has lots of information about early pregnancy and losses.
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Left Heart Matters Support WebsiteParent led group with wonderfully supportive and Much informative information about this condition. Links to medical info. (under their "Links" Category) and on site "sharing by parents." This is truely a "home" for parents who have had a child with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.
D-Transposition of the Great Vessels
" Kids With Heart National Association specializes in children born with congenital heart defects (CHD), "in utero to adult", and also acquired heart disease in infants and children. The primary purpose of the organization is to offer parents, professionals and patients, resources that may help these individuals in their dealings with financial, educational, medical, emotional and other issues that may concern them. "
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"Fetal Growth Restriction" - "As many as 5% of babies suffer from growth restriction while in the womb. When born, such babies have an increased chance of suffering from infection, hypoglycaemia and jaundice as well as the consequences of birth asphyxia."
E Medicine "Fetal Growth Restriction"
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"Meconium Aspiration Syndrome"
"Meconium Aspiration Syndrome"
- The resultant hypoxia and vasoconstriction of the peripheral pulmonary arterioles can lead to pulmonary hypertension and other problems. Offers supportive medical care suggestions.
Kid's Health - "Meconium Aspiration
" "The infant's first stools, it is composed of amniotic fluid, mucous, lanugo (the fine hair that covers the baby's body), bile, and cells that have been shed from the skin and the intestinal tract. Meconium is thick, greenish black, and sticky...goes on to describe aspiration...
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QBC..Problems & Complications/
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"Welcome to the Homepage of Atlanta Maternal-Fetal Medicine, P.C. Our Homepage is an information source for people who need information about pregnancy complications, birth defect screening, and other aspects of perinatology."
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