"In Celebration"
Merenia (mir-a-near) Saskia Finn Stockley
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
Friday, September 17, 1999
8 pounds, 11 ounces
21 inches long
Sister of Christian Lee
- Angel Baby in Heaven ~
"Christian in 1998" by Becky (11/30/98)...with other links to Becky's poem and thoughts on pregnancy...
"Christian in 1998" by Becky (Miscarriage) (11/30/98) and updates 2/15/02
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
Brother of Ruger Zane Phelps
~ Angel Baby in Heaven ~
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
Tuesday 22nd of August 2000(Our Wedding anniversary good timing eh!)
Weighing in at; 6 lb 14 oz 3110 grams (despite being almost 3 weeks early!!!)
She is 49 cm long
Sister of Saskia
- Angel Baby in Heaven ~
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
~ born on Dec. 14, 00 at 2:20 p.m
Brother of Devon -
Angel Baby in Heaven ~
Marcia, I wrote of my one year anniversary of my miscarriage in Dec., and of an impending new arrival. Collin Jacob was born on Dec. 14,00 at 2:20 p.m., via an emergency C-section.
I was induced at 37 6/7 weeks because of PIH, after the c-section, my doctor said my placenta had a few areas that had died due to the high blood pressure, this is what caused the fetal distress and emergency c-section.
Collin is healthy and the last edition to our family. We are truly blessed to have four beautiful children, but will never forget the one we lost.
I have an Angel in my front window that is my one lost baby that lights prism colors in the room when the sun hits it, I still have such an ache in my heart from that loss that will always be there.
This site is truly a godsend, as I visit often, I also did name my baby, Devon. Thank you again for this site.
"One year anniversary, and impending new arrival" by Kathy (12/17/00)
"My Time To Grieve, My Lost Angel" by Kathy (12/23/99)
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
Born 10-27-00
Sister of Anthony Curtis Hoobler ~ 5-15-96/5-19-96
Angel Baby in Heaven
Also Austin Mathew Hoobler-Owens has a baby brother named Dylan Michael born on 1-21-00.
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
January 25, 2001
7lbs 3oz and 20 inches long
Brother of Brittany
- Angel Baby in Heaven ~
For their story and other thoughts...
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
Born on April 1, 2001 (no fooling!) at 8:27PM
7 lbs. 11 ozs. and measured 20 1/2 " long
Brother of Mikaela Elizabeth Nance
- Angel Baby in Heaven ~
Things are going great here. Mason and Jenny are both fantastic. He is another angel baby on earth. He's so calm and content and my labor and delivery were both certainly heaven sent!
Mason was born with an angel bite on the back of his neck, exactly like Jennifer was, reminding me that Mikaela is with him just as she is with Jennifer. Mason was born after an even more glorious labor and delivery than I could have imagined, in a quick and easy, completely natural ninety minutes and everything about him was and is absolutely perfect.
I feel like we have come such a long way in what seems like eons sometimes but has relatively been a short time. God really does bless us, even in our pain. 9/7/01
See First Anniversary for MaryBeth's thoughts and feelings on Mikaela's due date and anniversary,
"Special Keepsakes for Mikaela," and
Jenny's birth .
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
Sister of Ian 9/11/97 (stillborn) & Baby Autumn, 10/26/99 (ectopic)
- Angel Babies in Heaven ~
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
Sister of Nora
- Angel Baby in Heaven ~
"Nora" by Lisa (10/97) and more entries....
copyright(c)SHARE Atlanta 10/97-'05
Graphics on this Site are Copyright