Links to Sites Written in
Memory of a Special Baby
Loss due to Stillbirth:
Click on the butterfly to visit the sites!
For Charlotte's story on our site...
In memory of Daniel by Charlotte
"Shared Experience and Poems: (10/11/98)
Charlotte's beautiful poem that SHARE Atlanta used for our Women's Candlelighting Program in November '98. "Mother's Love" (10/11/98)
Kathy's site in memory of Jessica
"Grief is Not Forever" by Darla Cady
"Memories of Matthew" - Grieving and Growing Through the Loss of My Baby by Darla
Thoughts from Darla...
Entry #2: Thank you so much for adding my story. I had the most wonderful support from my local chapter of Share during that difficult time. I truly appreciate it.
Marcia's thoughts: Could you list your local chapter under our "your support group" page? The form can be gotten to from our "3 Kinds of Email" page. We are trying to connect folks through the internet. It is so wonderful to have "our" SHARE groups recognized!
Entry #3: I am sorry that I cannot be of any help concerning the local chapter list, but I believe the Share group I attended during the time of my loss, 5 1/2 years ago, is no longer together. It was through the Good Samaritan Hospital in Vincennes, Indiana. I no longer live in Indiana, but when I last spoke with the leaders, they were saying they would have to discontinue it. I was very thankful to have them there, during the time of my loss.
Darla"In Loving Memory of Our Son ~ Tyler Branden Lotz ~ Stillborn on the 11th of January, 1996" by Kim
Thoughts from Kim...
Hi, I have a done a website in memory of my son Tyler who was stillborn at fullterm due to a cord accident. I would like to have you add it to your "links to memorials in memory of special babys" page. If you could do this for me I would greatly appreciate it.
Kim In Loving Memory Of Siobhan Brianna McDonald Born Still September 9, 1992 ...2/1/99 by Laura
Thoughts from Laura
"Rest in Peace Pyrete" from Sweden with love by his mother...Ida
"Peace Through Angels" by Kimberly
"Spencer's Story" by Kim (3/98)
"From Mama...
My little one was with me only briefly but his presence will be with me a lifetime. I held his small body in my arms for just a few moments but I will remember the feeling always. I got to kiss and touch his precious face and marvel at how beautiful he was." Kimberly has included pictures and her diary from her pregnancy.
A powerful story about their first baby Travis Reed Tapley (died because of a umbilical cord entanglement) and their subsequent infertility and, finally, Jesse Colin
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