"Why do my babies die?" Sonya's Poem Relating Many Secondary Losses
Phillis A.'s Poem Expressing Emotions
"For Christopher" Why are our emotions so intense? - How Reactions from Those Around Us Influence Us
The stages of grief, that are generally accepted as possible, are:
These stages represent strong heart controlled emotions.
Our loss has forced us to deal with many new realities and feelings. We are being propelled down a path not of our choosing at a time when these emotions rule and cause us to feel out of control. It is very hard to regain a sense of control. Many of us try to do this by staying in a mode of denial.
Eventually, for most of us, we must slowly move through our emotion charged path. An understanding of the grieving process and coping ideas can aid our walk. We need to acknowledge and express our feelings so they will no longer dictate our every moment. We must take the responsibility to heal. We gradually learn that we do have choices: of things to do and who we will become as we travel along our path.
Every primary loss leads to numerous secondary losses. (Mary Joe Hannaford - "Windows") These additional losses increase our emotional roller coaster causing more confusion and pain. We know we have lost our baby, and we come to realize that we have suffered "other" losses as well! It's enough to send the most ordered individual off the path! As we recognize these losses, we begin to understand how far reaching our loss is. As we come to understand there impact on our lives, we begin to cope with some of our reactions. All of these losses do not affect every person who has had a loss. The following poems and stories speak to some of these losses. Marcia McGinnis"Secondary Losses"
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Phillis A.'s Poem Visit "Sharing Stories - Initial Feelings and Reactions After a Loss" (see Drop Down Box) Feelings: Panic, shock, fear, sadness, anger Secondary losses: Loss: of being a parent, ...of "fulfilling our role", ...of innocence, ...of self-worth, ...of security, etc.
L'Tanya writes about others' expectations, in the poem above, and how they may influence our grief process. Sometimes their reflections on our grief issue cause us to wonder if we have the right to grieve this little person in our lives.
"Why do my babies die?"
Sonya's poem relating many secondary losses
role of motherhood, innocence, hope, dreams,
future, security, etc.
I thought I'd be pushing a stroller
Instead I'm walking our dog
I thought I'd be waking up for early morning feedings
Instead I cry myself to sleep
I thought I'd be decorating a baby's room
Instead we live alone in our three bedroom home
I looked forward to leaving the hospital
in a wheelchair with a newborn
Instead of physical pains along with empty arms
We marked our calendar with happy thoughts
until our baby died
After suffering this loss I believed my heart
would never ache as much again
Until a second nightmare: another baby dies
This little world we live in has changed drastically, suddenly
And I will never hope so much again
because I don't know why my babies die.
SHARE Atlanta,
Fall 1991
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Expressing Emotions...
but the feelings are too deep for words.
It would be a lullaby
a love song, a battle song
a death cry and a mother's mourning.
It would be sad
angry, troubled, glad,
hopeful, hurtful and shattered.
It would show
the moon, the stars, the trees,
the flowers, the universe and me.
I'd write it
for couples, for mothers,
for babies, for daddies, for grievers
It would say
how much I love him, how much we missed
and how we hope to see you again someday.
Phillis A.
SHARE Atlanta's Newsletter
William Axel
Stillborn on June 21, 1992.
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"For Christopher"
Why are our emotions so intense?
We have lost our future!...But not our love...
I wanted to teach you everything my mommy had taught me.
When I heard your heartbeat that first time in July,
I never thought it possible that you would die.
I had planned our future so carefully,
even your first date,
with each day we had together, I could hardly wait.
Those that say I never knew you,
are so far from what is true,
They don't know of the special bond between me and you.
They say I should forget you,
enough of being sad.
I shouldn't grieve for something I never really had.
I never will forget you,
no matter how much time goes by.
Christopher Pierce will always be my special little guy!!
For whatever the reason that we had to part,
please know my baby boy I loved you from the start.
You'll always be my baby,
though you live in heaven above.
Now all I have to give you is my everlasting love.
Mommy loves you very much!!!
L'Tanya J. S.
In loving memory of my son Christopher Pierce Sept. 12, 1991
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