"In loving memory of my beloved sister...Renee Michelle Jordan ~ Born June 11, 1975 Died June 13, 1975" by Amy (9/14/99)
"In Loving Memory of Fifi Tipton ~ 2/13/50-2/19/50" by Joey (9/10/00)
"The Pain of Not Knowing You, K.C." by Elizabeth (3/6/02)
Twenty Eight Years late...Christine...forever in my heart...by Dove (6/6/04)
"In Loving Memory of Billy Edwards-Howes ~ April 15th 1989 ~ I wish you were here baby brother. I'm sorry." by Ashley (August 23, 2004)
I've never seen you, not even a picture. Back then we were supposed to pretend that things like this didn't happen. All your sweet smelling baby things were put away before mom even came home from the hospital. It was thought that it was better never to speak your name... that way our mom and dad would "forget" you and move on.
Our mother longed to hold you while you were here, but there were too many tubes and wires... and besides that, the doctors didn't want her to "get too attached" to you, because you were so very sick. How does a mother not grow attached to a baby that is living inside of her for nine months?
When you died, a big part of mom and dad died too. They may have tried to pretend like you never existed, to move on with their lives, but I promise you that you were, and still are, very much loved and missed. Their hearts were broken, they just didn't know how to get through the pain.
Things have changed now, and we know that not talking about a baby who's died doesn't make the pain go away, and that you never, ever forget your own child. Mom and I talk about you sometimes... we wonder what you'd be like, what you'd be doing, whether you'd be a mommy yourself yet. I wonder if we'd be close, or whether we'd fight. How very different life would have been with a sister! All my life, there has been an aching, empty space in our family, left behind when you were taken away from us. Always, there is someone missing.
I lost my own baby last year, just 7 weeks after God created her within me. Before she died we named her Emily Renee, in remembrance of you, her auntie. Now that she is with you in heaven, it seems an even more appropriate name.
When I get to heaven, I know I will finally see my sister. Only then, when we are all together, will our family feel complete.
In Loving Memory of Fifi Tipton ~ 2/13/50-2/19/50
My older sister was born prematurely on February 13, 1950, and died six days later. She was my parents' first child, and I was not born until 12 years later. In those days, there were no support groups to help parents get through their grief, and the doctor's advice was to "get pregnant again as soon as possible". However, my mother was given a picture of Fifi taken by the hospital and some other mementos also. My mother has never reached a point of acceptance regarding her loss, especially now that babies born much earlier can, thankfully, be saved. My father will not speak of her at all. My first and second children are 11 years apart, and they have a wonderful relationship. I really wish I could have had that sort of relationship with my sister, instead of growing up an only child. But, I know I will meet her in Heaven. I wanted to write this so that everyone, including Fifi, will know that she has never been forgotten. We love you Fifi.
Fifi Tipton
Johnson City, TN
The Pain of Not Knowing You You were the little man that dad had always dreamt of. You were going to be his little athlete, especially in boxing. You were going to be the little brother that Lisa and I were going to protect, although we both know now that dad would have raised you to protect us. You were going to be so many things to so many people! I think about you so much and wonder what you would be like right now. One thing I never wonder though is if we would have been close. I know that you, Lisa, and I would have been wonderful together if we would have had the chance.M Mom, Lisa, and I talk about you every now and again and we are finally to the point that we can do it and not get too sad. We try not to talk to dad about you too much though. He will never recover from losing you K.C. After losing you, dad kind of made me the surrogate boy, so to speak. I have played every sport imaginable, and I am grateful for that because it allowed dad and I to become so very close. Thank you for giving me that K.C.! The pain of not knowing you is very hard to deal with. I was almost 6 when you entered our lives so very briefly and I remember it all so vividly. Mom and dad allowed me to go to your services and I was able to tell you good-bye which I am very grateful for. They never hid you or your brief little life from Lisa and I. We will always have a little brother even if you wouldn't be so little now! It's hard to think about you being almost 23 years old! Not only are you a little brother, son, grandson, and nephew you are now the proud uncle of two very special little boys. I'm sure that you know all of this but I want to tell you about my little loved ones and I want to thank you for watching over me during my pregnancies and their births and now watching over them. Gosh, how I wish you could be here to be one of their role models. I promise to tell them about you! Please continue to help me be a good mother and help me to keep them safe. Is it nice to be with Grandpa Bob, Grandma Stella, and Grandma Francis? I bet they were thrilled to meet you. How very nice for them to have a grandson waiting for them when they entered their Eternal lives. Please tell them all that we love them very much and that we miss them.
K.C., we love you and miss you horribly! I hate the pain of not knowing you but I love the idea of someday all of us being a WHOLE family again. That will not happen until we can all be with you. Until then my baby brother, please keep an Eagle Eye on all of us and know that we have loved you since the moment we found out that you were going to join our lives and that we will continue to love you to the ends of the Earth and beyond. We literally love all the way to Heaven and back. See you later my baby brother!
Your big sister, Elizabeth
Keith Christopher Kovach, Jr.
Died soon after birth
Denver, Co
Marcia's thoughts: As a parent who has lost three special babies and has two living sons, your story touched me greatly. I feel as though all five of my children have helped to make me who I am today. I cherish each child and I have always felt that my living sons have been watched over by their three siblings. I know that K.C. knows your love and has been watching you as you have had your little ones.
I think that this letter to him would be a very special gift to your mother on Keith Christopher's 23rd birthday. I know that I sent it to my volunteer group because a topic we often discuss is how our losses influence and touch our living children. We care very much about that. In this letter, you very clearly express the love you share for your brother, and that would touch a parent's heart at its deepest place. I has mine...thank you for sharing your thoughts and your heart with us.
Twenty Eight Years late...Christine...forever in my heart... It was February 19, 1976. My seven year old sister dropped her coat in front of the school bus. The bus driver did not see her and when she stood up he ran her over and then backed over her. I was thirteen at the time, I came home from school for my dad to tell me that she was dead. She was my baby, even though my mom had her, she was my baby. Had she of lived, she would be 34 yrs old now. She has been gone so long, and yet I have never forgotten. On the anniversary of her death I still get depressed. I didn't get to watch her finish growing up. I blocked up most of my grief and only unblocked it many, many years later. This was in the seventies though so things were different. I reccommend grieving at the time and as much as you can, so you don't have to carry it all around with you many, many years later. Every year I take pennies to her grave, "Ham Lincoln was her favorite president I hope I have helped in a small way. Dear Dove, What a touching entry...one for every loved one to hold on to. We will not forget, and remembering is part of being who we are...a loving family member. Your love for your sister is so tender. Many of my members fear forgetting and you will help them know that we will not. We also never forget the details. How special that you encourage others to grieve so they can heal. I believe that is very important, too. You have helped and I will hold the thought of you with Christine at her grave offering pennies, love and peace. Thank you for sharing. "Life is life - no matter how soft the whisper." Your tiny brief life has touched my heart in ways no one could ever know. Sleep tight on the clouds Billy - when you wake up I will be holding you. Marcia's Comments: Your thoughts touch my heart..as a mother of three angels and two living 'older' siblings who both are subsequent babies after my losses. The expression that you wrote ~ "Life is life - no matter how soft the whisper." is lovely and so very meaningful.
I know your note will touch many hearts. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We will be including these meaningful and special thoughts in our newsletter so others can be touched by them. I am receiving more entries or thoughts from siblings..I think that is because we are talking about this tragic loss more and have given more people 'permission to express their grief around the death of their sibling." Our babies and their siblings mean much to all of us... Take care...
Christine Denise Baranchak
date Feb 19,1976
TYPE Other
city Allentown, Pa
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Billy Edwards-Howes
Kingston, NY
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