SHARE Atlanta - Pregnancy and Newborn Loss Grief Support
SHARE Atlanta
Listings of Sites that Discuss Procedures during pregnancy

Reproductive Biology Associates new 7/97 RBA - Atlanta Group - Kort, Toledo, Elsner, Mitchell-Leef, Hasty, etc.
Excellent description of reasons and procedures for recurrent pregnancy loss
Excellent coverage of male factor issues
Decribes donor egg and surrogacy
This group has been a supporter of SHARE Atlanta and many of our parents have had very positive experiences with the group. We thank them for all they do for SHARE Atlanta parents! Dr. Toledo did an interview for SHARE Atlanta that is in our Spring 2002 Newsletter. We hope to have it online soon.
IVf's Infertility Glossary - good to learn terms used during some types of loss
Creighton University Medical Center /Excellent coverage of many procedures
What is Obstetric Ultrasound Scanning? 4/98
Description of what an ultrasound is plus lots of helpful information - be sure to scan down the page.
Description as to "Why and When" an ultrasound is used.
INCIID - The InterNational Council on Infertility Information Dissemination: Latest Methods to diagnose, treat, and prevent infertility and Pregnancy Loss
Includes information on:
uses Fact Sheets, Links, Bulletin Boards, etc. with information from doctors in this field - excellent resource
Immune and antibody factors - a lot of information on this subject (use of heparin,etc.)
intravenous immunoglobulen for treatment of recurrent pregnancy loss
ultrasound screening for predicting implantation odds
reproductive endocrinology
severe male factor issue
American Pregnancy..D & C
Discussions about a D & C
Discussions about a D & C
Medical Information Menu
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