"In Celebration"
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
9 lbs. 5 oz.
22 1/2 inches long
Brother of ~
Emily 12/97
Alex 4/98
Gabriel 8/99
- Angel Babies in Heaven ~
After three heartbreaking miscarriages, our prayers have been answered with the birth of our little miracle, Andrew. He is a big, beautiful, healthy baby boy, and we are eternally grateful to God for this wonderful blessing.
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
April 26, 2001
6 lbs. 12 oz.
19.5" long
Sister of Taylor Ryan Kivisto
- Angel Baby in Heaven ~
Wow... I cannot tell you what an absolute pleasure it is to be here on THIS particular part of the SHARE board... sending THIS information:)
I still have to *pinch* myself to be sure it's not a dream! Ever since Taylor died, I dreamed of having another baby. I wanted another baby to raise- more than anything in the world! Of course, I knew that just wasn't possible... I'd had a tubal with my last c-section birth. Thinking our son was healthy & we'd be happy with the children we had- I'd signed for this tubal *exactly* 30 days prior (had it been 29, the hospital would not have allowed it)
Long story short... Taylor died only hours after the procedure was completed. I grieved hard for my son & I grieved equally hard for my inability to concieve again:(
Only a week after Taylor died, my husband told me "Maybe we can look into adoption". I truly feel back then, that he wanted so terribly to help me through my grief, that he brought this up as a "quick fix". Knowing we were having financial difficulties after our two boys heart conditions- it would never be possible. We had to get caught up!
Later Kurt told me "It'll happen- just consider this a 3 year pregnancy" and he worked. He worked hard. I opened a small childcare in our home and in doing this together we were able to get a few things paid off & order Taylor's head stone. Something I wanted done *before* a new baby.
We had our adoption homestudy completed in July 99. Now we were TRULY READY! We waited & I cried. There were times I just felt like giving up! We had 3 failed placements before Danielle found us!
Taylor's headstone arrived just days before his fourth birthday. I left for Florida just days AFTER! I arrived at the Tampa airport & was taken straight to the hospital where I would meet the wonderful little girl who had chosen us to adopt her precious baby. She was induced & I was there to see our Kianna Danielle Hope come into the world! I Got to cut the cord, I gave her the first bottle & held her first! I got to meet her family!
During all these years, I have questiond God for His taking my precious child. I had always felt so robbed of him. I never even got to hold Taylor in life:( They had flown him to Seattle (from AK) to have the "repair" on his heart & he died before I was released to go to him. I held him 4 days after birth/death. I missed every second God had given to me:(
Today, with my new daughter in my arms... I can say that I am at peace with Taylor's loss. This is not to say that I have "replaced" or that I don't miss him. It just says that we ARE able to move forward & LOVE again! Taylor is with me at all times... he is proud I am sure, that instead of giving in to the grief & heartache for the rest of my life- as I thought I would for so long- that we held on as a family & opened our hearts to another child in need. He is happy to share what he no longer needs.
Please visit my new baby girls site at http://www.angelfire.com/ak/mycherub/adopt.html you will see what a wonderful gift God has given us!
Kianna's (Kee-onna) name came from a name I read in a grief book so long ago. It was spelled different, but I absolutely *loved* this name! Danielle is her birthmothers name... Hope is for my friend Christy's daughter (lost the very day we lost Taylor) AND to represent the *HOPE* she has brought to our entire family!
I'm sorry this is so long, I have SO much to share & it's been SO long!
Sharon (sk ^i^) mom to Taylor Ryan
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
June 6, 2001
20 inches long
8 lbs. 7 oz.
Sister of Hannah Michelle Burgess ~ March 15, 1998
- Angel Baby in Heaven ~
"In Loving Memory of Hannah Michelle Burgess" by Kim (3/30/99)
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
Sister of Baby Hernandez 11/96, "Nic" 11/97, "Peanut" 11/98
- Angel Babies in Heaven ~
After losing 3 babies in 3 years, GOD has blessed us with the most incredible baby girl! She is healthy, happy and the funnest person I've ever met! What a great sense of humor she has! When I prayed for her, I underestimated GOD. She is so much more than I ever asked for.
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
Jan 10, 2002
9lbs, 6.4 oz
20 1/2 in long
Brother of Samuel B. Haynes, Feb 1, 2000
- Angel Baby in Heaven ~
We are so happy to have Bailey here with us. We are so in love with him and we also remember our precious Samuel who just had his second birthday in heaven. Bailey is welcomed home by his mom and dad and watched over by his big brother Samuel from heaven.
"My Story by Kerrie" (3/2/00) and (4/9/00) and (10/2/00)
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
June 28, 2001
7lbs. 8oz.
20 in.
Sister of Gage Anthony Tobin ~ August 21, 2000
- Angel Baby in Heaven ~
Our beautiful baby daughter was born on June of this year and we were were simply elated. We basically held our breath through the entire pregnancy, hoping that we would not lose this one like we lost our son at 20 weeks.
We chose the name Hope because it had special significance to us--she is our hope for our future. We will always love and miss our firstborn, our son, Gage, and our love for our daughter is multiplied by our experience of his loss. The grief is still there, but time has definitely begun to heal our once-gaping wounds.
"The Story of My Miracle" by Stephanie (9/18/00)
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
June 5, 2001
20 inches long
7 lbs 12 oz.
Brother of Grady Joseph Mulrenin
- Angel Baby in Heaven ~
June 26, 1998 - June 26, 1998
We can't believe it's been a year already since our precious second child was born...the delay in announcing it here on SHARE's website is simply because life has been so BUSY running around after a healthy, active and happy little boy. :) Eion is everything about which we dreamed and more. We are so grateful to be his parents.
June will always be a special month for us, as the two greatest gifts of our lives - the births of our two children - happened during June.
"Grady, Paul and Me" by Stacey (10/13/98)
~ Angel Baby on Earth ~
August 19th 2002
2.96 Kilos
50cm in length
Brother of Jason Dominic ~ January 4th 2001
Baby Shaw on November 21, 01
- Angel Babies in Heaven ~
I thought I would let you know our wonderful news. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy on August 19th 2002. He's called Elliott Jarod Shaw, he's 2.96 Kilos and 50cm in length and very beautiful. He's living proof that thing's can get better. With best wishes, Becki Shaw
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