In Loving Memory of August Angel, Spring Spirit, & Summer Storm Lunsford 8/96, 4/97, & 7/97
In Loving Memory of
Jonathan Bowen 6/13/98
To our forever son Jonathan Bowen
You were so healthy and perfect through the whole nine months pregnancy. But we lost you a few days before your due day, the day after mommy's birthday with unknown reason. When I looked at your beautiful little face, I wished I could blow the life into your little body, hold and love you. In our hearts, you are our first and forever son.
In Loving Memory of Our Little Miracle 6/21/98
Your life was very short, no more than 10 weeks, but I felt I had known you a lifetime. I can't seem to forget the words the nurse used to tell me I was carrying you, nor can I forget the days events when I lost you. We were blessed...Someone smiled down on us and sent us an angel..but just as fast as plans were being made, you were gone. I still don't understand why. How could we be given a miracle after so many years and then have it taken away? How sur I felt you were safe, thinking I could shield you from any harm. How little I knew...forces more powerful than I had determined it was your time, how short it was. Sometimes I sit and daydream of what could have been..I looked so forward to seeing your father hold you for the first time, of watching you grow and giving you all the love you deserved--of being part of our life. As fast as these dreams were thought of, that's how fast you were gone. Everyone says "these things happen for a reason", but as hard as I search I can't seem to figure it out. Why were you sent for such a short time? Why must we experience this pain, this emptiness? Life is not fair, I wanted you so badly and it hurts so much to know that I can no longer have you. I know that my life will never be the same. There is a void now where there was once a miracle in the making. I try hard to face each new day thanking God for the blessings I do have, but it is not easy. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and will for the rest of my life. If there is any good in what has occurred,
In Loving Memory of Angel Gabuardi 2/5/98
In Loving Memory of Ashlee Marie Robinson 7/14/97
In Loving Memory of Zachary William Schrage 12/26/97
To my gorgeous baby boy. I was bursting with joy at the moment of your birth. Robust, gorgeous eyes, soft, sweet cheeks. Only for that to be taken away within days. To use someone else's words, "your body was just too perfect to house an imperfect heart." You have given me a tremendous gift, the fact that I will never fear death. For when my time comes it is then that I will see you again, hold you in my arms, smell you, kiss every inch of you. I will be content to live out my life on Earth but when God comes to call me I will hold out my arms and run to you.
In Loving Memory of Zachary Christopher Schneider
July 20,1998
In Loving Memory of Jennifer Ann Haden 11-11-91
In Loving Memory of Zachary Shane Bragg 6/8/98
In Loving Memory of Angel March 24, 1998
Oh sweet Angel of mine, your mommy loves you so much. Even though everyone has seem to forgotten, you always know that mommy never will. There is not a day that passes that mommy doesn't think of you. Oh how I wish that I could have held you just once. I wish I knew if you were a boy or a girl. I have fallen in love with you in that short 4 to 6 weeks I carried you. I miss the way if felt to have a belly that had a little bump, that bump was you my dear sweet Angel. I miss all the talks me and daddy had about you, and things we were going to do for you and with you. Oh baby of mine how I wish had just one minute to hold you, to see what you looked like, to see your tiny fingers and tiny toes and tiny button nose. I wish I could have kissed you and told you that I love you. Sweet baby Angel never ever forget mommy loves you. Your mommy and daddy's first baby and always will be no matter what.
Love your Mommy
In Loving Memory of Allison Angela Renner 11/15/96
In Loving Memory of Augustus Lawwill Feininger 8/5/97
In Loving Memory of "My Angel" 8/1/98
In Loving Memory of Scott Joesph Zumer
This is for my son who I lost 5 years ago August 13th,1993 on A Friday night.
There's not a day that goes by, that I don't think of you. You were only 18 years old that God took you from me. You were so young and I didn't even get to say good-buy to you. So many unanswered questions left in my mind. That I will never know the answer to. The first year was the most miserable for your sister and I. She lost her only brother. She loved you also. We both still are weeping for you. We miss you so much. You are not alone anymore. Your Grandmother is in a row ahead of you, where you lay at pease. Join your hands and walk to the clouds and be at pease. We love you and miss you both.
Your loving mother and daughter to grandmother,
In Loving Memory of Brandon Louis Kump 7/27/98
In Loving Memory of Baby Angel 08-24-96
In loving memory of Baby Angel.....
Oh how I wish that I could turn back time. To still have you inside of my tummy..safe and warm. I still remember the day that you were born it seems like yesterday but it's been 2 years. Daddy and I are so grateful that we were able to hold you and tell you how much we loved you before we had to tell you goodbye. We wanted you so badly...your brother Justin was so excited about you. To this day I don't understand why you were taken away from us but at least I take comfort in knowing that you are in heaven and that someday our family will be complete again.
Love mommy, daddy, and Justin
In Loving Memory of Sam & Mel Jennings / Sydney Jennings 11/11/97 & 4/10/98
In Loving Memory of Matthew, Anthony & Gerard 9/18/96
In Loving Memory of Jacob Greer
"Hang in there, Little Life," I said, as I patted my tummy the day after you were conceived. I knew, in that way that only mommies know, that you were with me. Unscheduled, unexpected...but as your daddy says, "we take 'em when we can get 'em."
"I love you, Little Life," we said when I finally shared the news, only after the doctor confirmed that you were there. He was so excited, talking about a bigger house and a bigger car for our three boys - for three beds and three carseats! YIKES!
"Take care of this Little Life," I prayed to God when we knew you were not going to live. My bitter tears ran down my cheeks and onto my belly, baptizing you in the purest waters of love.
"Watch over us, Little Life," I ask you every day. Keep us safe from harm and be by our sides. How odd for you to be guarding the little boys who were supposed to take care of you, their baby brother.
"Hang in there, Little Life." Be patient with your Mommy who is grieving you when so many others want me to move on. In the hustle and bustle of tending to your brothers, I sometimes wipe the tears away as I wipe their sweet hands. I am not wiping away the memory or the love...just taking care of them as I would have cared for you, as you are caring for them now. Come to me in those rare quiet moments and know that I will always love you and remember you.
In Loving Memory of Baby Shane 10/94
In Loving Memory of Anne Elizabeth July 21, 1989 & Michael Paul May 10, 1991
In Loving Memory of Thomas David Wieckowski, Jr. (T.J) 4/20/94 - 4/26/94
Words cannot describe how much I will forever cherish the six days that were spent with you.
You were such a fighter, Having to go through so much at such a tender age.
And for that, How proud I will always be.
I cherish in my heart the times you looked at us with those beautiful brown eyes,
and the times you would gently sqeeze my fingers,
and the countless hours just spent stroking your delicate, soft skin.
I will always yearn to cradle you in my arms,
like I did for the first and last times.
To feel you next to me, to hold you so close for eight hours.
I will never forget the incredible pain of seeing Daddy hold you as you took your last breath,
Nor will I forget holding you for so long after you passed on to a world
where I know you will be held for eternity.
I knew then that you had become our little angel,
And though some people can only dream of angels,
We were holding one in our arms.
To experience the joy of bringing you into our world,
and then so suddenly having our dream shattered
is a pain that no human being should have to endure.
That pain will always remain unbearable,
But I would relive that joy, and that sorrow, a 1000 times over,
For yet another moment with you.
In Loving Memory of Isaiah Jonathan Skidmore 8/19-20/98
You are loved so deeply son. Even though you are not here on Earth with us your dad and I still love you so much. You came into this world just as quickly as you went. You are up above watching over us every day. Mommy can't wait for the day that we will become a family and we can hold you in our arms forever. We miss you so much but this was God's will and it is some thing we can't change. We will always cherish you in our hearts, you will always be our first son and we will always love you for that. When your soul was swept away into heaven it made daddy and I a lot closer than we ever were. We will never forget you Isaiah, when we pray or look into the sky you are there listening and looking back. We love you son!
In Loving Memory of Baby Luck 11/77
My first.......so many years have gone by and I have never forgotten, ever. But as I was just a young girl, my family never allowed you to ever be discussed. Years have gone by - you have a brother who is nearly 12, and another brother that died only at 7 weeks. I am glad to have a place where you can be remembered.
In Loving Memory of Darrell Keith Taylor and Melody Joy Taylor June 1962 and June 1963
In Loving Memory of Blake Daniel or Haley Nicole 08/07/98 I want you to know that even know you were only with us for 9 weeks we still love and miss you. We don't know if you were a boy or girl but we would be happy just to have you. Your daddy and I were so excited when we heard that you were in my tummy. It is really hard for me to understand why you had to leave, but I know you are safe with God and your other brother or sister. Here is something daddy wrote for you: You touched our lives for only a short time. We will never know how you will have turned out, but you are still special to us. You will never know the love we have for you. It is not fair because we will never get to experience playing in the park with you, or watching you play baseball, or watching you in your dance recitals. We know you are in good hands with our family and God in heaven. One day we will be together again in the arms of God. Until then always know that we will always love you and miss you Baby Price. Watch over me and your mommy and please help mommy understand why you cannot be with us. You will always be in our hearts.
To Our Dearest Angel,
Mom and Dad
Blake Daniel or Haley Nicole/Baby Price
Groves, Tx
...Forever in our hearts
In Loving Memory of Baby Moore 9/4/98
In Loving Memory of Jessie Christine 5/12/89 and Jason Bradley 5/25/90
In Loving Memory of Baby Shafer 9-8-98
My dearest angel,
We will always love and miss you forever. You hold a very special place in our hearts, we wanted you with all of our heart and soul. You were our little miracle, we were so happy when we found out about you, now you are a special angel in the sky watching over your mommy and daddy. I don't know why you were taken from us but we will always remember you, our first sweet baby.
We will love you forever.
In Loving Memory of Illahna Kathleen Bouma 18.9.96 - 24.9.96
In Loving Memory of Daniel and Michael Cull 10/06/97 02/27/98
Daniel and Michael will be in our hearts forever.
This was such a tragic loss, a void in our lives and family.
We wish we could hold you in our arms, hear your sweet little cry.
We love you very much and wish you could watch you grow.
But we will see you again when we get to heaven to see our sweet angels.
We feel you shining down on us, like a star in night.
Your memory will live on in our heart forever.
With all our love,
Mommy and Daddy
Grandma and Grandpa Cull
Grandma and Grandpa Hensley
Lynn and Jeff Cull
Daniel and Michael Cull
Douglas Co. Ga, Both at Home
...Forever in our hearts
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