Two ways to support us: volunteering and financial donations:
SA is a 501(c)(3)non-profit organization, IRS EIN#58-1792723
Our C-3 (taxpayer ID#) is 58-1792723. PDF of our Tax Exempt Letter.
All donations are tax deductible. We have found that some companies have matching donation programs.
Donations directly made to SHARE Atlanta, Inc. are the only financial support we have. We offer most of our programs and materials at no charge so everyone can participate. But, to do this we must have donations. We receive no grant money or funds from anyone other than our members.
All donations cover:
There are no salaries to cover because everyone associated with SHARE Atlanta is a volunteer.
Thank you for your donation.
We thank those who have supported us. Because of this support, we can continue our outreach within our community. Sincerely, Marcia McGinnis
E-mail Marcia if you have any questions or thoughts...
copyright(c)SHARE Atlanta '97-'14
Graphics and "Music Box by Eclipse" on this Site are on owl!