Hi, my name is Carmen and my fiancee's Roy.
I was 7 months pregnant when lost my daughter, Damini. I went into the hospital on 1/11/01 due to my hands, eyes and feets were swollen. I thought it was normal, but actually I called my OB and he told me to go to hospital ASAP.
When I got to the hospital, the OB on duty that night didn't tell me what was going on. She called my doctor, and he came ASAP. When he got there, he told me that they couldn't find a heartbeat, and also my blood pressure was so high, that I was in the stage of stroke. At this time there was nothing they could do for the baby due too she was dead already for 2 days and I didn't know. I was diagnosed with pre-eclempsia. I was in critical stage for 2 days.
They enduced my labor. She weight 2lb and 13oz and 19 length. She was born 1/12/01 and buried 1/16/01. It's been hard for both of us.
Right now I am still suffering from blood pressure and kidneys problem due to the pregnancy. The doctor says I should wait at least 1 year. Hope I'm not the only in this situation.
Thank you for giving me the time to share my story. My e-mail is flaca_rican@yahoo.com.
CarmenI thought I would have at least two children by now, but unfortuantely I have had two pregnancies and nothing to show for them.
I started to have strong contractions and was dilated about 1cm. I was placed on bed rest and started taking steroids, just incase the baby was born early (this would help the lungs mature.) I went for a check up once a week, but on my second visit the doctor said "There is no heartbeat."
I thought he was lying, I said "The baby is upside down, you just can't hear the heartbeat because he is in a weird position." I was sent straight to labor and delivery and placed on a monitor that was flatlined, then the doctor brought in the ultrasound "NOTHING."
I was induced and 16 hours later, I closed my eyes as I delivered my son, Austin. I did not wish to see him, I just could not do it.
I was placed on the same floor as new mothers, "What was I?" "How could they be so inconsiderate?" I had to hear babies cry, and I could not take it. I discharged myself within 10 hours of delivery, I had to or I would go crazy.
My husband went home that night, because I basically could not even talk to him. That night he took apart everything in the nursery, cleaned it completely out; and put it all away in storage. My baby shower was 6 days prior and we had just washed everything and put it all together. Austin was delivered March 16, 1997.
.. sometimes these things happen and we never find out why. Happily, I became pregnant again and this time it was a girl. I had her name picked out from day one, Rebecca. The pregnancy went smooth again up until 30 weeks this time.
I had an ultrasound done and was told the fluid was slightly low. I was again put on best rest, IV fluids and steroids. This time I did not make it as far, at 33 weeks I was delivering another dead baby.
I was in total disbelief. "What did I do to deserve this?" I believed I was in HELL. I again did not wish to see the baby, nor did my husband. I believed everytime I closed my eyes I would see this small lifeless body and there was nothing I could do about it. Rebecca was delivered January 23, 1999.
I have since had some extensive testing done and found out that I have a few conditions that may be of concern,
..or could be the cause for these terrible losses. I have a bicornuate uterus, confirmed by an MRI. I had CIN 4. CIN stands for cervical interepithelial neoplasm, "CANCER", and HPV or human pappiloma virus. I have had several surgeries including LEEPS, D&C's and laproscopic surgeries, and now I wait. I wait to see if my new high risk OB doctor gives me a green light to try one last time.
I have loved so many other children, "Why not my own?" I am terrified to do this again, I need words of encouragement. I feel so lost and dazed, "Should we get pregnant, what should I do?"
I need to move on with my life. "Am I a mother or was I never meant to be one?"
PennyYou may want to light a virtual candle in memory of your baby or include a verse or thought in our Memorial Garden. Doing special things for our baby often helps to ease our pain.
... (wondering if we are parents, feeling like failures, loss of hope and innocense) that follow a tragic loss in "Allowing Grieving to Happen to Heal." We are parents to very special babies. Denial is on stage of the grieving process. When we can begin to turn our energies used to deny what has happened into embracing our child (who we loved and most have wish for since our own childhood) then we can begin to heal. Doing something in memory of Austin and Rebecca may help you to begin to heal.
Making choices for the next part of the journey is never easy. We have an entire group entitled "Subsequent Choices and Grief" because our parents need to talk through these kinds of things.
... that many of our parents decide to do. These doctors can give more support when we have soooo many questions.
We then have an entire separate group for parents who are moving through their "subsequent" pregnancy. We know how nerve racking this is because we each have done this ourselves! I have an entire section on this on the site plus 5 subsequent pregnancy diaries!
Marcia's Comments: You have shared what so many others have also felt and shared in our groups as well as on our site. The pain and loss of this tragedy are real and intense. Your families desire for you to "move-on" is a normal one, but your heart and soul must grieve in order to heal. Others don't usually understand this - especially when they want to believe there should be little grief because this was such an early loss. (This is THEIR desire to protect themselves as well as you.) Over and over on this site and in our groups we discuss these concepts and how to cope with what we have lost. We have lost our baby, our hopes, our dreams, and a piece of us. We do survive. Our baby would want us to. As we make our baby a part of who we are - a very important part of who we are - healing can begin.
If you haven't already, call our number, and we will send you a Parent's Packet from our local group. Enclosed in that are some brochures, a reading list and our newsletter. You will receive a years subscription to our newsletter, at no cost to you. We are having an Angel of Hope Dedication on October 21, visit our site for more information on this very special event and "angel" garden. Also, under SHARE Atlanta Information is a link to National SHARE and you can receive their newsletter and information. My Woman's Support Group meets this Wednesday at my home, and you are welcomed to join us. You will meet other mothers who will share similar thoughts and who are working to cope and to heal. I have a hug of support waiting for you... Take care, Marcia
I had been home from work for a week. Everything was done: House cleaned, bottles boiled and hospital bag packed. I was excited and ready for my first baby to arrive. I went to the OB doctor three days before my due date for my weekly checkup. With a quick sonogram they verified that the baby’s head was down and estimated that the baby’s weight was around 9 lbs.
When we got to the hospital the labor nurse was very condescending to me since I was not in “active” labor. The labor nursed snapped at me “ It’s not even your due date yet”. I felt embarrassed and started to cry. Meanwhile my due date was one day away since it was already after midnight. They told me that these pre-labor contractions could go on like that for 2 weeks. I thought to myself “Are they kidding me?”. I was in pain. The baby was fine. They sent us home.
The contractions continued all day Sunday. I was so exhausted and confused. That night I was able to sleep about 2 hours until I awoke to even stronger contractions. I woke Nick up about 2 hours later when the contractions became even stronger. I was so afraid to go to the hospital because I feared they would belittle me again. So I waited until I could not longer take it anymore.
We arrived at the hospital at 6:30am. It was August 27th - our baby’s due date. The first thing the labor nurse said to me was “Did they teach you about early labor in Lamaz?”. I sternly replied “Do you want me to go home?”. She said “Well you’re here now we might as well check you out”.
She put the contraction monitor on me and then started to find the baby’s heartbeat. After a minute or so we thought to ourselves the machine must be broken. She left the room and brought the doctor back in with her. I thought nothing of it. Next thing we knew the doctor was searching for the heartbeat using a different machine. There was complete silence in the room.
The nurses stood and watched. That was when I started to worry. Nick and I were holding on to each other. I said to the doctor “Should I be concerned ?” and he replied “We can’t find the heartbeat. It doesn’t look good.”
I didn’t want to believe it. I cried “No – this can’t be”. I don’t know how many minutes went by. We still didn’t believe it. Nobody had said the baby was gone. Then in comes this nurse who I hadn’t met. I turned to her and said “Is the baby gone?” and she said “yes – I am so sorry”.
That moment my life was forever changed. I cried “My baby’s gone..My baby’s gone”. It was the most tragic moment of my life – a horrible, horrible nightmare. The nurse, who name is Laurie, gave Nick and I a hug and told us how sorry she was. She comforted me – I could feel it – I needed it so desperately.
My world was crumbling. My baby was dead and I was in active labor with very painful contractions and was 5 centimeters dilated. I just laid there in shock while they put me on an epidural.
A short time after that Laurie was checking my blood pressure and she looks at me and quietly says ”I’ve walked in your shoes”. I couldn’t believe it. Someone else standing right next to me had also been through this nightmare. She gave me strength.
The doctor broke my water and felt the cord at the bottom of my uterus. It appeared to be a “cord accident”. During contractions the baby’s head had pressed against the cord and cut of the oxygen supply.
Our families came. We cried and prayed. I had developed Toxemia. Hours went by. I was not dilating any further. At some point I realized that I didn’t even know the sex of my baby. It was no longer going to be this big happy surprise that we waited 9 months for. I needed to know the sex before I delivered my baby. They did a sonogram and said “It’s a boy”. I knew it all along.
I finally had a C-section at around 5pm that day. Laurie was supposed to end her shift but decided to stay on as my nurse during the surgery. She was a godsend. I was out of it. Nick held my hand the whole time.
Then I looked over and saw my son Nicholas Patrick. The first words out of my mouth were “He is so beautiful”. I was happy to finally see him. He was so big – 8lbs 10 oz. He had a handsome face and had these big chubby hands and feet. Laurie cleaned him and dressed him and handed him to Nick. I stared at him for a long time. I never wanted that moment to end.
I was very sick at that time so I wasn’t able to hold him right away. Laurie took pictures of Nicholas for us. Our family saw him and held him for quite a while. I am so glad for that. Nicholas was the first grandson, niece and nephew on both sides of our family. He was so wanted and loved.
I finally held Nicholas. Nick placed him on my chest. I was still a little out of it so it helped me forget the sadness and it allowed me to enjoy seeing and touching him.
I don’t know how Nick ever gave him back. It must have been so difficult for him. I never saw Nicholas Patrick after that day. We had a service for him at the cemetery about ten days later.
I miss him so much. I cry for him everyday. I want him back so badly. He would be 8 weeks old this week. Everyday I suffer with so much pain.
I hurt for the endless “nevers”. I’ll never see him smile or see his eyes open (they were blue). I’ll never hear him cry or breathe. I’ll never hear him say “Mommy”. I hurt even more for the life he lost. So many things that he will never experience. We will never get to know him and he will never get to know his mommy and daddy. Our hearts are broken forever.
I want Nicholas to know that he gave me joy. He gave me the happiest 9 months of my life. I hope he can feel my love now and forever.
Hello Marcia -
I want you to know that this website is so helpful to me - thanks you
If you need me to abbreviate my story - I would be happy to do it. I'm not sure if it's too long to post on the website. Thanks.Susan
Nicholas Patrick
Stillborn/cord accident
Thanks for your words of encouragement. You're right - Nicholas is a part of
who I am and will always be a part of who I am. This is a long journey. It
is the help from those who have been through this that gives me some comfort
during this long, hard journey......Susan
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Forever in Our Hearts~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Abby and Ellie
I came across this site. I am not sure how I found it. I felt compelled to write. I was reading about Baby Cameron. The story touched me so I needed to wrtie. I wrote to his mother Jennier and the e-mail wouldn't go.
Our story is this...On September 30, 2001 I gave birth to beautiful twin girls, Abby and Ellie. I was in my 31st week. They were beautiful...so beautiful. Abby's weight was 3 pounds 4 ounces and Ellie was 3 pounds 2 ounces. If I had only gone into labor they would still be here today. They were so healthy.
I woke up on Sat. the 29th not feeling great. I figured that for the most part it was normal being so far along. I tried to rest and I seemed to feel a little better. The next morning I didn't feel them moving as much as I thought they should of been, so I called the doctor. She said come in and get monitored, so off I went.I went by myself, and my husband stayed home with our 2 boys.
When I got there we could not find their heartbeats....I could feel my world closing in around me and there was not a thing I could do about it. My sister is a nurse and she happened to be working that morning. They called her up to be with me whle we did the ultrasound. We were in this tiny room, and within seconds we all new...it was true...our babies were gone.
I thought I was going to die. Everyone was in complete shock. This doesn't happen!Not both. It is so rare .I just went completly numb.
I had to deliver them. Abby came at 9:31pm and Ellie at 9:34pm that night. It was the cord....that was it. Abby got it around her neck and they were identical and shared enough blood (twin to twin transfusion)so that when Abby passed, Ellie went with her. They were soulmates.
The delivery was the most beautiful moment of our lives and the worst moment of our lives. We brought two beautiful souls into this world and released them to a greater power at the same time. We were so blessed to be able to deliver and hold them. We held them, took pictures, and I mothered them as long as I could here on earth, and I continue to mother them in the hereafter.
I lost my Mother on March 5, 2000 and I have cried for everyday since then and until 9/30/01. From that day on I am so grateful she is there to take care of my babies. It is such a warm feeling in such a horrible situation.
Something like this happens in less than 4 minutes. The girls didn't suffer. When they broke my water it was clear, which means they were never in distress. That in itself is something to be thankful for. This is an act of nature. I wish I understood why my babies are not with us here on earth. That we will never understand.
I have added their birthstones to my necklace, and we have put up a picture with their footprints. They are a part of our family and will forever be. My Little Girls are "Angels in waiting...waiting for me." I will see them again, but until them I must be the best mother I can be for my boys and the best wife I can be for my husband.
I choose to keep their memory alive in a positive manner rather than losing myself in sadness. When we express happiness, happiness will follow. We all have tragedies in our lives, it is inevitable. It is how we choose to deal with them that will define who we will become. I have lost 3 very important people in my life in a very short time. I have learned that you must stay very strong and grounded or you will get very lost in the sadness. I miss them, but all the sadness and negaative thoughts will not bring them back.
I am determined to make their short time on earth a memorable one. Their sweet, little souls have touched so many people. We have received, and given money in their memory to St. Jude's Hospital and we are donating almost $1500.00 to our local hospital so we can purchase something in their memory which will touch the lives of all new babies to come. I love them and I am so proud of them. They are going to live on through all of us whose life they touch. They were truly beautiful.
It has been a little over a Month today, and by our faith, our beautiful children, each other, and all our family and friends we are here and we are surviving this each moment of each day. Abby and Ellie have touched so many of us in so many ways....so many ways we are not fully aware of yet. They are our "Little Girls" and will forever be our "Little Angels".
Sometimes we are tested and bad things happen to good people.Times like this make us much stronger and have changed us forever. These Girls have...they have changed us in such remarkable ways. They have the sweetest souls. I wish I new why these things happen, but I don't. I do know that during the darkest moments in my life, I have chosen to look for sunshine, and I found it shining on the faces of my beautiful twin baby girls and my beautiful boys. I am just surviving day by day, and being so thankful for what I have and for what I have had.
They came to us as such a surprise...we had taken NO fertility drugs and twins don't run in our family...so how blessed were we to have had that chance to give birth to them. To hold them for as long as we did. As strange as they came to us is as strange as they left us. I will forever miss them.
My heart goes out to all these Mothers...it is the hardest test for us....I hope my story has helped in some way because all of yours have helped me. Reading seems to help and hearing that I am not alone helps too. Please remember my Girls with a smile, they were beautiful, just beautiful little souls.
If anyone knows Jennifer the Mother of Cameron please send me her e-mail address. I wrote to her and I would like to send it. All of you take care..you are in my thoughts. Thanks again for your time.
Abigail Barbara and Ellie Rachel Steele
Stillborn/Twin to Twin transfusion
Marcia's Comments: I, too, encourage parents and friends to see a positive meaning in their child's brief presence with them. (See drop down box "Making Your Child's Presence Meaningful.") I feel as though ALL of my children, the three in heaven and the two here on this earth have helped to make me who I am today. I also see my father holding my little ones!!
As you cried for your dear mother, tears of sadness are there for your two daughters. Sadness is part of the grieving process. Many try to go around this stage of grief by denying it. Happiness is VERY important, and I am, by nature a happy, positive person. I didn't want to cry anymore, but I have found that crying is part of the release of grief so is the loss of control. Tears often are seen as another part of "loss of control." In reality, they are part of grief and when they come, if we let them come can be healing. If we realize their part in grief, then we can "share" them with the need to make our experience and child special. Then, we can know that what they offer in healing can be balanced with the other coping mechanisms (mementos, rituals, etc.)
The gifts you give your girls and your family are knowing that you want to share the wonder and joy of Abby and Ellie in so many special ways. You don't want to forget them and you WILL NOT. They will be a part of your family forever.
I wrote Jennifer for a long time - as did other moms. I haven't heard from her in awhile. She, too, had lost her mom and she was a single mom. I still think of her. I am sorry if we have lost her email. Which email did you have. She changed it several times. If you will send me the one you tried, I will see if it is the latest of her emails!! I know she would appreciate your thoughts.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Forever in Our Hearts~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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