October 31, 1998...Marcia: I am looking for any info on a Walk to Remember. Does SHARE Atlanta do one? I am trying to organize one for my area and thought you may be able to help. Christa Yes, we just did a memorial on Sunday!!! We have included the walk at times(the first in 1989! with tree planting...) and, like this time, we didn't. You can do just about anything you want to! It really depends on who will be included, how much time you have to put it together and where you might have it. Last year my oldest son played the bagpipes as we walked! It was very, very special. We will probably do that again next year! We hold ours in October because here in the states we recognize October as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Month. It can be as simple or complicated as you wish! Sister Jane Marie Lamb's book "Bittersweet Hello and Goodbye" also has wonderful ideas in it. You can order it through National SHARE(if you do, tell Cathi HI from us! We have planted trees, done gardens, and this year we had a pathway put in at a local cemetery where, last year we had a bench and garden put in! We started small and grew. A litany of babies names is very special. I will send you the cards we gave out this year. We always give away flowers as keepsakes. When we walk we try to make it around a theme or idea. One year we put our thoughts on small heart papers in put them around a tree we planted. Last year we walked from one area to where we were going to hold a small dedication.
May, 1999 ~
"Walk to Remember in Truro, Nova Scotia!! by Christa Giddens"
H.A.N.D. Annual Remembrance Ceremony - The 1998 ceremony in Houston, Texas was October 4th, 1998.
M.E.N.D. hosts 2nd Annual Walk to Remember, Saturday, October 10, 1998
MISS's "The Kindness Project (c)1997 ~ Allowing Your Child to Touch the World!"
National SHARE web site ~ Angel Dedication
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Menu
copyright(c)SHARE Atlanta '97-05
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