Festival of Trees: Helping Children Heal
Online Litany for Donations 2004 made in Memory of...SHARE Atlanta's written litany of our babies' names, of those who participated in the project, will be found at the Gingerbread House that is down the aisle from our tree (facing our tree it will be to the right almost to the other wall).
In keeping with our twentieth anniversary, the litany also celebrates the memory of the babies of some of our members who have volunteered with SHARE Atlanta since 1984 until the present time.
Many still volunteer "behind the scenes" in a concerted effort to continue the outreach of our organization. We wanted to include many of these names in a "thank you" for their wonderful support of our organization. It is not a complete listing because I didn't want to include anyone's name without asking, and I could not reach everyone. But, it is warm memories and a heartfelt thank you to all who have helped to make SHARE Atlanta possible through the years.
Hannah & Ali Allgood
Baby Ambush
“Nubbin” Anderson
“Bubba Lee” Anderson
Angie Olga Bader
Gloria Lynn Bader
Kaleigh Madison Bader
Bailey Rose Bader
Taylor Brooke Bader
Gabriella Grace Bader
Baby Bell
William Jay Bellflower
Grace Marie Beltrami
Baby Boy Blum
Baby Girl Blum
Cole Alexander Blurton
Carter Franklin Britten
Matthew David Brooks
Lanie Grayce Brown
Hope Cash
Bella Catherine Chezem
Elyse Catherine Chezem
Maggie Catherine Chezem
Matthew Hogan Clay
Nicole Andresen Clontz
Lindsay Cryor
Carson Cryor
Lorin Cryor
Camille Cryor
Elizabeth Rose Cryor
Russell Joseph Deane
James Lincoln Dickerson
Caleb Andrew Franklin
Thomas Andrew Gafney
Reilly Paige Gilbert
Robert Anthony Gipson
Jesse David Greer
Jamie Caroline Greer
Jacob Evan Greer
Devin Tyler Guy
Jesse Moore Hallmark III
Jade Alexa Hanson
Baby Allred Hudgens
Kayla Rosalie Hudgins
Deanna Rose & twin Baby Hudgins
Disney & Ectopic Baby Hudgins
Joshua Miles Vincent Ingram
Jordan Maximus Vincent Ingram
Lacey MaKenna Ivey
Jaden Alexandria Jackson
Gwendolyn Gerforne Johnson
Johnson Angel Babies
Mary Catherine Jordan
Alex Jordan
Autumn Bray Keen
Elijah Thomas Keen
Frances Grace Keen
Sarah Elizabeth Keen
Samuel Brown Keen
Jeremiah Davis Keen
Sarabeth Kysar
Victoria Elise Lee and
her four angel siblings
Christian Allen Lehman
Charles Major
Christian Major
Michael Major
Cole Major
Tracy Major
Robert Jon Martin, Jr.
Catherine Marie McGinnis
Elizabeth Hope McGinnis
Seth David McGinnis
Jesse McGraw
Nicole Kelly McGraw
Virginia Ann McGraw
Brian Kevin Miller
Jeremy Mishkoff
Zachary Gabriel Mishkoff
Allie Elizabeth Morgan
Jan Sebastian Narvaez
Clare Joy O’Brien
Emma Margaret O'Brien
Grace Emily Palmieri
Dorian Rose Perry
Daniel Slayback Policastro
Brice Makensie Pope
Morgan Pope
Zachary Connor Porter
Baby Purcell
Sarah Katherine Purcell
Allie Angela Renner and
her three angel siblings
Baby Rowan
Megan Elizabeth Scholovich
Kathryn Anne Scholovich
Bennett Ellis Schoonover
Madison Elizabeth Schreck
Greyson James Schulte
Avery Nava Seskin
Hope Elizabeth Shiflett and
her angel siblings
Amelia Claire Smith
Jonathan William Verner
Autumn Walter
Ian Walter
Baby Washington
Caleb Bertrand Washington
James "Ryan" White
Wilson Baby Boys
Lillie Tian Wau Wong
Jacob Cole Wright
Forever in our Hearts...
copyright(c)SHARE Atlanta '97-'05
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