Babyland ~ at the SHARE Atlanta Angel Garden in Arlington Memorial Park, Sandy Springs, GA Rain location ~ Arlington's Chapel Litany ~ Candlelighting ~ Angel Mementos ~ Jennifer Greer, SHARE Atlanta's newsletter Ed. writes: 2003 is also the fifth year of our brick pathway project, ... one I started in the earliest phases of my mourning for Jacob. Visiting the garden after his death was healing for me, something I wish I had known to do for his siblings. I threw myself into the project, and felt a tremendous sense of relief when I first ran my fingers over his name engraved on the brick. The physical labor of installing the bricks, done in near solitude at dusk one night in October, made me feel as though I were finally doing something for him. I love this project. I love hearing the stories behind the bricks and meeting the families whose tales they tell. So many times in the last five years I’ve pondered the idea of compiling them into a book, or at least an expanded newsletter. Our theme for the memorial service is “A person’s a person no matter how small,” (thank you, Dr. Seuss), idea that resounds so strongly in my heart that I ordered a brick with the saying engraved on it. That is what the pathway is really about, that every person, no matter what age or size or health, deserves at least one place where his or her name is written in stone, deserves to be remembered. For those who wish to participate, I'm asking for submissions about what this phrase means to you. ... Whether or not you have a brick in the pathway, please write to me about it. Whether you write two sentences or two pages, I want to know how you decided what to squeeze into those 14 characters on 3 lines. I want to know what the butterfly or heart means to you. I want to know what other acts this project has inspired you to do. Did the order form prompt you to name your baby? Did you bring a reluctant family member to the garden? Did you reach out to another bereaved parent? What do these words mean to you as you think about your special baby? We will share some of these at our memorial celebration and at the candlelighting, ... our annual time to remember these small people who have touched our lives. We hope to see you there. More information: 770-928-5606 or The beautiful plaque that was donated to us by Rusty and Cindy of Star Granite - friends of SHARE members, Todd and Melina S..SHARE Atlanta's Memorial Service 2003
Our angel's garden decorated for the 2001 dedication
“A Person's a Person No Matter How Small"
...with thanks to Dr. Seuss, Horton Hears a Who
(Please write to us what this means to you
...see below for details.)
Sunday, October 26, 2003
~ 3:00 PM ~
Read the SHARE Atlanta Memorial Service ~ Otober 26, 2003
~ click on butterfly
Rose Petals ~ Poems and Stories
Outreach for Healing on candle
Gentle reminder about young children: For the comfort of our newly bereaved families, please leave your young children with someone you trust. Children ten or over who can remain attentive are welcome.
Directions to Arlington in Sandy Springs: From I-285, take the Roswell Road exit and turn North (outside the Perimeter). At the 2nd traffic light, turn left onto Hammond Drive. When Hammond ends, turn left onto Mt. Vernon Hwy and immediately right into Arlington Memorial Park. Once inside the park, take the first right and then the fourth left. The angel will be waiting for you at the bottom of the hill. If it is raining, follow the signs to the chapel.
Sharing Stories Form to write what “A person’s a person no matter how small” means to you.
More about Angel, Garden, and Memorial Bricks ~ ORDER BRICKS ~ click on hearts
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