Sign-up for Annual SHARE Atlanta Family Reunion"
Our oldest and youngest 2003 SHARE Atlanta "babies" - Ryan Anderson, 16, who drove to the reunion, and Johari Johnson, 5 months, who had recently discovered his toes.
Mark your calendars for September 17, 2006 from 2 to 5 pm.
Even when it is storming, the sun always shines on our family reunions each year. We gather to meet our newest subsequent babies and to marvel at the size of the Earliest “safe arrivals.” Some of these children are now in college!
The kids, big and little, can be seen playing ball or on the great playground equipment in the beautiful back yard of Polly and Joe Keen. Meanwhile the grownups catch up and enjoy the delicious offerings of the day. This year’s theme is “Fall Picnic.” We ask that each family bring a picnic type food and a blanket to sit on so we can gather together outside to share the beauty of the day. (If it is raining, we will “picnic” inside.)
There’s something special about this day every year. We look around at the smiling families and know that there is the promise of hope, for all the newly bereaved and for each one of us. There is hope and joy in our futures.
What to bring:
RSVP or Questions...
If at the last moment you can make it, and you haven’t called, please do come along-there is always plenty of food and lots of wonderful memories!
Ryan Anderson at his first Family Reunion with his daddy, John.
SHARE Atlanta's First Family Reunion in 1985-taken by Marcia McGinnis at her home...Rice, Nafzigers, Jordan, Slayback,
copyright(c)SHARE Atlanta '97-'07
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