"Blankets of Love ...buntings, bonnets, and booties
for tiny, loved babies
Details about sizes (baby and items) for blankets, hats, booties, buntings
Baby Sizes: weight, length (for blankets), head circumferences (for bonnets) of preemies from 15 week gestation to full term.
Baby Sizes: weight, length, head circumference
Head (for bonnets) and length (for blankets) measurements for 15 weeks gestation through 23 weeks:
15 week Measurements
Head to Heal- 4 3/4"16 weeks Measurements
Head to Heal- 6"18 weeks Measurements
Head to Heal- 8"20 weeks Measurements
Head to Heal- 9"21 week Measurements
Head to Heal- 10 1/2"23 week Measurements
Head to Heal 11"Chart below:
1st column-Gestational Age
Link to Online chart (the numbers above were taken from this chart) for sizes 24 weeks up to 36 weeks with information about fabrics, etc.
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Items for Preemies
Booties for Preemies
General size of blankets.. of description with weeks of gestation:
Size B: 22" X 22" These will wrap a tiny baby from about 20 to 32 weeks.
Size C: 24" X 26"
Size D: 25" X 29"
Size E: 28" X 30"
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