"Blankets of Love ...buntings, bonnets, and booties
for tiny, loved babies
Details for Sewn "Blessing & Burial" Gowns, Bunting, Bonnets, Booties, and Stuffed Bears & Bunnies
Please send Marcia helpful URLs.
Buntings for 12 to 20 week gestation - Quilt Square and/or Flannel Wrap
Gowns & Kimonos for dressing, blessings and burial...
Tiny Buntings
Very easy to make and nurses like these...Quilt Square Wrap and Simple Flannel Wrap
Nurses like this one...as do moms! 91/2 by 91/2
buntings from 14 weeker to 20 weeker
buntings from 14 weeker to 20 weeker
Gowns for dressing, blessings and burial...
First gown is for 4 sizes starting with extra small to large.
Simple Stuffed Animals
SHARE Atlanta's Blanket's of Love Menu
copyright(c)SHARE Atlanta '97-'06
Graphics and "Music Box by Eclipse"
on this Site are Copyright...click on owl!